Once you purchase an Authorize.net account, activation is a simple process. See below for an overview of the process.

Activating your new account

Open the Activation Email: When 4aGoodCause sets up your Authorize.net account, you will receive a welcome email from Authorize.net. Inside this email will be a link for you to follow, allowing you to activate the account.  You can read more about the activation process in Authorize.net’s official Account Activation Guide.

Enter Security Information: Authorize.net will require you to answer a few security questions in order to verify your identity. These questions are designed to protect you against potential fraud.

Review Business Information and Pricing: As your go through the activation process make sure all your business and banking information is correct. Once you review the pricing and agree to the terms of the account, you will have successfully activated your new Authorize.net account.

Next step after activation

After you activate Authorize.net you'll need to make some recommended configurations to the account and connect the account to 4aGoodCause.  

You can make these configurations yourself by following our online guide or we can do it for you.

If you wish 4aGoodCause to configure your Authorize,net account and connect it to your 4aGoodCause account then call us at 770-517-5962 to give us the username, password and secret answer you set up during activation. We'll log in and take it from there.